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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Pinckney Jazzercise Fitness Center


Fitness Health

About Us

Jazzercise has been going strong for over 50yrs now, but this isn't our 80''s aerobics class anymore! We workout to the latest tunes and have a blast burning up the dance floor with really fun and effective moves. We include strength training in each class. You'll get amazing core work and do moves like kick boxing, Pilates, yoga, plyometrics and more. Modifications and low impact moves are aways shown. We offer different class formats.

Cardio Sculpt includes high-energy dance cardio, followed by strength training. Power Sculpt blends heart-pumping bursts of dance cardio with powerful strength training, followed by a specialized toning segment. Sculpt focuses on strength training to build strong, lean muscles.

The best part of burning up to 800 calories in one 60-minute class? You’ll have so much fun, you won’t want to stop.

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View Personal Bio
Heather Clark