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Sip & Support Make-A-Wish event brought to you by the Women's Business Network & the GBACOC.  Learn More HERE

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Learn More HERE

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Lakehouse Studios

Lakehouse Studios


Advertising Agencies

About Us

Lakehouse Studios is built on a foundation of delivering quality, custom brand awareness. What separates us from the competition is helping to set our clients apart from theirs. We develop and implement brand-building strategies through marketing and digital media, which includes Advertisement, Animation, Brand Building, Graphic Design, Photography, Videography, Marketing, Website Design, SEO, Social Media Development, Printed Promotional Materials, Virtual Assistance, and Coaching.

We strive to meet all of your promotional needs. Our solid reputation serves to build customer loyalty for our clients. It's our mission to bring the highest level of creativity and quality to every project we create.

Video Media


Degree Advertisement
Dani's Hair Salon Advertisement
Pepsico - Super Bowl Advertisement
Serta Catalog Advertisement
Franklin Mainstreet - Walking Map - Graphic Design and Print
Variety of Customer Business Cards - Graphic Design and Print
Laser Cut 3D Eiffel Tower - Graphic Design and Print
Laser Cut Violin (Actually Functions too) - Graphic Design and Print
Laser cut Paper St. Peter's Cathedral - Graphic Design and Print
Leia Advertisement - Photography
Leia Advertisement 2 - Photography
Karen Elizabeth Advertisement - Photography

Rep/Contact Info

Card image cap
View Personal Bio
JJ Zielinski