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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Henry Ford Providence Novi Hospital



About Us

Providence Park Hospital is a brand new state of the art hospital located in Novi Michigan just off I-96 and Beck Road at exit 160. The hospital has all private rooms and was built with patient safety and quality as the highest priority. Patient satisfaction at Providence Park currently exceeds all targets and expectations.

Clinical services at Providence Park Hospital include: Orthopaedic Surgery including hip and joint replacement, general surgery; Neurosciences including neurosurgery; Women’s and Pediatric services, and a wide range of other medical and surgical specialties. Providence Park also boasts a large and convenient outpatient center which houses outpatient surgery, endoscopy services, laboratory, imaging, and a sleep center as well as many physician subspecialties.

Rep/Contact Info

Peter Karadjoff & Joseph Hurshe
  • Phone: (248) 849-3000
Beth McNeal
Christa Williams
Major Gift Officer