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How To Reach Your Career Goals Without A Degree

Succeeding in business without a college degree has been accomplished by many, proving that success is possible regardless of education level. But how do you reach the same heights? To help equip non-degreed entrepreneurs on their journey to success, the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce has put together a few resources that can help. Let's take a look.

Set A Few Realistic Goals

It’s important to have realistic goals when starting out as an entrepreneur. Don’t expect success overnight, as it takes time and dedication to build your business from scratch. Set short-term goals that will help you move toward your long-term goals, such as increasing sales or expanding into new markets. Write down your goals so you can keep track of them, as this will help you stay motivated as you move forward.

Connect with Local Business Owners

Networking is key for any entrepreneur, whether you have a degree or not. Connect with local business owners so you can learn from their experiences. You might look into hosting a networking event or joining forces with similar businesses so you can all benefit from one another's connections. Not only will this help you grow your audience, it could also lead to you finding a mentor. Having mentors and people who can offer advice can help you stay motivated and make the right decisions for your business.

Learn More About Your Industry

You don’t need a degree to stay up-to-date with industry trends and technologies. Make sure you read industry journals and attend conferences so that you can keep up with the latest news in your field of expertise. Additionally, attending workshops can also provide valuable insight into what works (and what doesn't) in the world of entrepreneurship.

Take Initiative

Entrepreneurs who are willing to take initiative are often more successful than those who wait around for opportunities to come their way. Be proactive in seeking out new clients or partnerships that could benefit your business in the long run, and never be afraid of taking risks if they are calculated ones. The more you can put yourself out there and get comfortable with it, the easier it will be for you to get ahead.

Optimize PDF Tools

Organization is key when it comes to running a successful business, especially if you don’t have someone else managing paperwork for you like an accountant or office manager would do at larger companies. Utilize PDF tools so that all documents related to your business are easy to find when needed (such as contracts), which will save time down the line when tax season rolls around. This may work if you need to convert a Word document to a PDF.

Learn Accounting Basics

Having knowledge about basic accounting principles can go a long way when running your own business without having a professional accountant. Learning about things such as accounts receivable/payable, taxes, and payroll will help ensure that all financial information is managed correctly and efficiently, which will save time down the line should any issues arise. Look for online resources that will help you learn more about business accounting measures, including video tutorials and e-learning courses.


Becoming an entrepreneur without a college degree isn't impossible. By setting realistic goals, maintaining organization with PDF tools, and making beneficial connections with other business owners, you can find success as an entrepreneur without a college degree. Don't forget to monitor your progress as you work toward your goals, as this can help you stay motivated while giving you deep insights into what your next moves should be.

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