CareGivers Connection
A support group for those who care for loved ones who are sick, elderly or in need of consistent care.
Recovery in the Spirit
Are you battling idolatry and addiction? No issue is too great or too small. These are open meetings and all are welcome.
NTAL Wednesday Story Time
Introduce little ones to new words, listening and motor skills, and provide socialization.
Marketing Mash-up - Jason Tracey - BE THE DIFFERENCE
Marketing Mash-Up at the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce - meets the third Wednesday of the month at 4:00 pm
Chamber Fusion with the Huron Valley Chamber
Network with the Lyon Area and Huron Valley Chambers at the South Lyon Hotel.
Silver Sneakers Classic Senior Fitness Classes
Senior Fitness Classes: Each class is motivating and choreographed to popular music to keep you moving! Benefits include weight loss and increased energy & ROM.