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Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

YRC Freight Inc.



About Us

Take advantage of your exclusive member discount to slash shipping costs.
YRC Freight is committed to providing GBACOC members with negotiated rates on shipping services, a competitive option for shipments ranging from 150-7,500 lbs. Members typically save between 5-15% over what they currently pay with their incumbent carrier or logistics provider. We want to meet your needs by offering a variety of shipping solutions, which include standard, guaranteed, expedited, cross-border, exhibit, truckload, and custom services. Enroll today at
For more information or to enroll with a customer service specialist, please contact YRC Freight Specialist Emily Brite at (1-800) 647-3061.

Rep/Contact Info

Jeff DeLancy