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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Wild Birds Unlimited of Brighton, MI

Wild Birds Unlimited of Brighton, MI

Specialty Stores

About Us

Backyard bird feeding is the most relaxing, fulfilling, educational and exciting hobby that anyone, young or old, can enjoy. At Wild Birds Unlimited®, our Certified Birdfeeding Specialists™ are trained to show you how to turn your yard into a bird feeding habitat that not only brings song, color and life to your home, but also benefits the wild birds and the environment in your area.
We carry products that have been designed to be the highest quality bird feeders and bird feeding equipment on the market today. We also carry exclusive, regionally selected bird seed blends that are always as fresh as possible and specially formulated from 100% edible and ''bird preferred'' seeds without undesirable fillers.
WBU isn’t just about selling bird feeders and bird seed. We pride ourselves on being able to give you the most accurate information and knowledge about your local birds. It is our goal for you to have the best possible experience from your bird feeding hobby.


Wild Birds Unlimited, We bring nature and people together and we do it with excellence!
Seed characters make it both easy and FUN to feed the birds in your yard.
Our classic WBU hopper feeder holds two US patents! Stop in to learn why.
Seed cylinders are a great food to serve so you can enjoy longer views of the birds.
We have squirrel proof feeders: exclude the squirrels, enjoy the birds!
Calcium is a great thing to serve nesting birds!

Rep/Contact Info

Laurel Zoet