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Click on the Chamber Guides button to learn more about our events, sponsorship or membership.

Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

Looking for a way to connect?  The GBACOC offers a wide range of options.  Check out our Marketing Mashups, 8:01/12:01/5:01, Women's Business Networking Events, and more.

The Brighton Farmers Market is right around the corner.  Check out the monthly themes and find ways to get involved as a business or as a patron.  Search Farmers Market

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Turtlehut Internet Marketing


Marketing ConsultantsWebsite Design

About Us

Frustrated from the lack of results your website generates? From Search Engine Optimization to online advertising management and strategic market planning, the experts at Turtlehut can help! One of the best ways to learn about search engine optimization is to watch how Google reacts to site changes over a period of time, and boy do we have the period of time part down. With over a decade of Internet marketing experience, Turtlehut has been refining search engine optimization for our customers based on results.



Rep/Contact Info

Jim Mitte
Jeremy Perez
Director of Marketing Strategy
Justin Schmidtke
Director of Marketing Strategy