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Check out our new Event Guide for 2025.  Lots of opportunities to sponsor and be a part of the community.

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Join us Monday at 11 a.m. January 27, 2025, here at the Chamber to talk with our State Representative Ann Bollin to learn about the ongoing work in Lansing on the Earned Sick Time and Minimum Wage bills.  218 E. Grand River Brighton.

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The Salvation Army (Corps Community Building | Church and Social Services Office)



About Us

The Salvation Army's Mission Statement

The Salvation Army an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church.

Its message is based on the Bible.

Its ministry is motivated by the love of God.

Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

At The Salvation Army assistance is given without regard to race, age, gender, creed, sexual orientation or condition. Services are rendered with this premise: Heart to God and Hand to Man. We believe that all men and women are in need of a Savior. Our Social Service ministry is based on the words of Jesus found in this Scripture:

Truly to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them; You did it to Me. Matthew 25:40

CORPS Community Center

Corps is The Salvation Army's word for church. It is a corps of dedicated members, called soldiers, who meet together for worship and wholeheartedly serve those in need with a sacrificial zeal. The familiar uniforms are worn by these soldiers and their officers so that they are recognized as soldiers in God's army, ready to fight the evil in our world, like poverty and abuse. The corps also provides many services to the community, such as emergency food, utility and rental assistance, clothing vouchers and short-term emergency shelter.

Rep/Contact Info

Lt. Robert Leach
Corps Officer
Lt. Stephanie Leach
Corps Officer
Nikki Moor
Marlena Poff
Patricia Sliter
Donor Relations Director