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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Southern Shaved Ice Acquisitions LLC

Southern Shaved Ice Acquisitions LLC

Baked Goods Ice Cream Chocolates

About Us

As a Southerner from Texas, I grew up on shaved ice or snowcones as I called them. When I moved to Michigan in 2015, I was shocked to learn there was no place near me that sold shaved ice. In 2018, I decided to do something about that.

With over 50 flavors and many combinations, you are sure to find a flavor for you. Mine is Ice Cream with extra Cream. You can also, try your shaved ice with a scoop of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (also a souther?n staple).

I hope you love your shaved ice as much as I do.


  • Shaved Ice
  • Blue Bell ice cream


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Rep/Contact Info

Susie Botello