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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Shoot for Life



About Us

Shoot for Life is a Michigan Non-Profit Corporation, with a direct focus to help others. Shoot for Life will be raising funding and awareness for programs and organizations that research, treat, and improve life-altering illnesses or life-altering events. The events shall be carried out with a primary focus of organizing and hosting archery lifestyle events. Part of our pursuit is to integrate first responders, veterans, and children with their families back in the outdoors. Exact details of what is to be carried out at the events can be located on the events page. As Shoot for Life continues to grow it will evolve its fundraising events to include 5K runs, fishing events, and other outdoor activities that can support the designated cause. By partnering with the community, service organizations, and private sector business to combine resources; we can effectively execute our mission


When you are shooting a bow, your mind is focus on sending an arrow down range. In order to do that, that requires mental focus on how you draw the bow, settle on each anchor point, find your mark, and release the arrow in one fluid soundless motion. Archery aides in mental clarity and provides therapeutic properties while engaging in the sport. It is within our mission to reintroduce/integrate first responders back into the outdoors with the devotion to archery.


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Rep/Contact Info

Trevor Hatch
Board Director
Andrew Smith
Vice President
Tom Spisz