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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

ReJenerate Your Space

ReJenerate Your Space

Professional Ogranizing

About Us

ReJenerate Your Space offers organizing, decluttering & purging, packing & unpacking, new room setup services and more in Livingston County and beyond.

We can help get your space in shape, from closets to garages or whole houses and everything in between, we've got you covered. Moving? We can delutter your home before you list it, pack up your belongings safely and securely when you move, or unpack your items for efficient and functional use after your move. We can also set up nurseries, play rooms, home offices and more.

We are passionate about providing personable, efficient and trustworthy organization and decluttering services so clients can save time and feel more peaceful, calm, happy and productive in their surroundings.


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Rep/Contact Info

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Jen Ling