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Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Type NEWS in the search bar to learn more.

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Pro-Motion Physical Therapy, PLLC

Pro-Motion Physical Therapy, PLLC

Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Services

About Us

''Moving You Forward to a Better Quality of Life''

Pro-Motion Physical Therapy is a Brighton family owned outpatient physical therapy clinic, opening in 2011 in downtown Brighton. We specialize in orthopedic and sports therapy, pelvic floor rehabilitation for women, men, and children, as well as vestibular rehabilitation. We also offer Lymphedema Care, Dry Needling, and BikeFfitting.

At Pro-Motion Physical Therapy you will undergo a thorough examination of your condition. From there a personalized treatment plan will be designed to help you regain function in an effective and efficient manner. We will utilize manual therapy, exercises and modalities to help you achieve your goals, and will work closely with you, monitoring your progress and modifying your treatment as appropriate.

At Pro-Motion Physical Therapy we will help you move forward to a better quality of life!


Pink Week With BHS
Christmas Sweaters
Hungry Duck Run

Rep/Contact Info

Vincent Baylerian