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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors



Technology Consultants

About Us

MicroNet, Inc. is headquartered in Nisswa, Minnesota – a popular resort area. As chambers and associations are integral to the business health of any community, this was the perfect location to develop member management software.

The company’s flagship products are ChamberMaster and MemberZone. ChamberMaster Member Management Software was released in 1998 and is designed exclusively for chambers of commerce. MemberZone was launched in June of 2012 and leverages the domain expertise we gained from working closely with over 2,000 non-profit organizations for over 20 years. MemberZone is designed for business and trade associations.

Both products help organizations succeed with non-dues revenue generation and membership management tools that provide critical services for recruiting and retaining members. Additionally we offer a range of ancillary services such as responsive website design and hosting. Our customers’ organizations range in size from 10 members to 10,000 members and consistently rate our technical support and customer service as the best in the industry.
Our Mission

Customers are our #1 priority. At MicroNet, our goal is to help you and your organization execute on your mission by saving staff time and resources while we keep office and member management processes humming. More than just an essential suite of core business functions, our services also focus on the members and their needs. Find out how we can help you build an even stronger organization today.

Rep/Contact Info

Deon Hartman