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Looking for Musicians, Artists & Performers for our 2025 festivals.  Sign up on our event page or contact Karen Storey at

Check out our new Event Guide for 2025.  Lots of opportunities to sponsor and be a part of the community.

Follow Us and give us a LIKE on our social media outlets.  There are lots of partnerships and great things happening here at the GBACOC.

The Women's Network is excited to invite you to their upcoming Sip & Support Make-A-Wish Michigan event.  This event will take place at Single Barrel Social, on February 20th from 4:30-6:30. Listen HERE to learn more about the event.

Business Expo coming March 6th, 3:00-7:00 at Crystal Gardens.  Connect and learn about businesses in our community.  Listen HERE for more news.

Mama Bear Productions

Mama Bear Productions


Health Services

About Us

Several years ago, I was kicked out of my cave and lost my job as a Systems Research Analyst. I didn’t know at that time but it was a great way to get out of my cave and consider the possibilities of new types of income for my family. What I most wanted was time to do what I like best, being outdoors with my family and, yes that includes bear hunting. So in my pursuit for a way to stay at home with my children and have the income I had been used to in my real job, I found a company that shares my vision and values.

Then I found these products. I market top notch natural products for health and home. I specialize in products for people like me, savvy moms who know that taking care of themselves is their best investment and taking care of their family is the best insurance.

Before these products, I was tired due to my working mom’s schedule. My energy level would bottom out and I consumed several cups of coffee and diet pop. I tried other natural products. Although they gave me a temporary boost, they also depleted my body of essential nutrients that help keep the body in balance. I felt like I was hibernating, my stress level was high, and life was dismal. I was stopped in my tracks! I needed to put my body back in balance. I realized it was important to make an investment in my health.

Within a few short months I had energy as a mama bear to keep up with a busy lifestyle, my stress level has reduced significantly, and no more growling at my family!

Even though I own my own business, I am part of an expanding international team.


You determine your schedule, not someone else.
What's on your to do list?  Extra income?  Travel? Retirement?
Be in business for yourself, not by yourself.

Rep/Contact Info

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Mary Beth Potrykus