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Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Type NEWS in the search bar to learn more.

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Main Financial Group


Financial Planning Consultants

About Us

Main Financial Group Wealth Management is a full-service income planning, wealth management and tax-efficient strategies firm located in Brighton, Michigan. Our diverse client base includes individuals, families, and businesses. Many of our clients are referred to us by existing clients, which we take as our biggest compliment. We provide ongoing and dynamic services to help you make better financial decisions. This relationship is rooted in trust and often spans multiple generations.


Our office
Retirement Re-Engineered by Jordan D. Main
Wine and Women Night
Client Appreciation Night

Rep/Contact Info

Jeri Thomasson
Brand Expansion Coordinator