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Livingston County Choirs

Livingston County Choirs

Performing Arts

About Us

Membership in the Chorale, Women's Chorus or Youth Choir is open to soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and children's voices. These exciting groups of talented musicians love to sing and enjoy making music together.

We also have a non-singing group called Friends of the Choirs who have promoted and supported our family of choirs since 1996.

Mission Statement:
Founded in 1991, the Livingston County Chorale has established as its mission to enrich the lives of area residents through varied, enjoyable choral performances; to fulfill the musical needs of singers interested in high quality choral music; to provide educational and outreach opportunities in vocal music; and to provide an opportunity for the community to support cultural activities.

Video Media


  • Chorale
  • Women's Chorus
  • Youth Choir
  • Friends of the Choirs


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Rep/Contact Info

Dr. Robyn Bergmans
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View Personal Bio
Robin Shollack