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Livingston County Catholic Charities

Livingston County Catholic Charities


About Us

LCCC – Serving Families of All Faiths since 1985!

Driven by Faith. Here for ALL.

Livingston County Catholic Charities (LCCC), nationally accredited since 1997, provides professional, confidential services to county residents regardless of religious preference, national origin, gender, age, disability or financial circumstance. LCCC is a 501(c)3 non-profit Human Services Agency.

Services offered: Be Our Guest Adult Day Service, Mental Health Counseling, Substance Abuse Counseling, Substance Abuse Prevention, Foster Care and Adoption Services, Resource Advocacy and Volunteer Caregiver Program (the latter two are outreach services for seniors 60+ years of age).


Counseling Client
Senior Services - Volunteer Caregivers provide home bound seniors transportation
Family Caregiver for Be Our Guest Adult Day Service
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LCCC Mental Health Counselor
LCCC Substance Abuse Counselor
Counseling Client
Be Our Guest Adult Day
Special Ministries - adults with disabilities programming
Foster Care and Adoption

Rep/Contact Info

John Furey
Clinical Director
Hayley Lepczynski
Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator
Ms. Sarah McGeorge
Director of Prevention
Beth Newman
Older Adult Specialist
Gudrun Patton
Development/Marketing Coordinator
Adam Perry
Executive Director
Ryan Skomial
Director of Development/Marketing
Suzi Snyder
Director of Senior Services
Brook Sporer
Special Ministries Supervisor