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Linda Michele-Dobel Photography

Linda Michele-Dobel Photography

PhotographyPhotography Portraits

About Us

Linda Michele-Dobel Photography & LMD Boudoir & Women’s Fine Portraiture is a professional, accredited photography studio located in Brighton, MI. With over 12+ years of offering Modern style portraiture of Personal Branding, Maternity, Women's Fine Portraiture, High School Seniors, Tweens, Equine and Commercial work.

Each session includes a styling consultation and all Boudoir sessions include professional hair & make-up. Our mission is to provide an empowering, private, safe experience for all women.

We have had the honor of photographing 1000+ woman over the past 12 + years.

Appointment only studio, call 810-220-3354.


Linda Michele-Dobel Photography & LMD Boudoir & Women's Fine Portraiture

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Linda Michele-Dobel