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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Landscape Design & Associates

Landscape Design & Associates

Landscape Contractors

About Us

Landscape Design & Associates, LLC provides landscape design/build, consulting, maintenance, landscape lighting and tree services to southeast Michigan. Our company's mission statement is to enhance the beauty and value of every client's property using sound environmental practices. Our company is an award winning design/build and management company serving southeast Michigan. We meet the clients needs whether it is a design,lighting, design and installation and/or maintenance. Every client has their own idea of beauty and purpose for their landscape. We are proud of our ability to integrate our clients' interests while creating unique environments. We provide landscapes that enhance your lifestyle.

We have an in-depth knowledge of horticulture and a passion for art which brings an exceptional touch to our designs.

Ecology is in the forefront of our decisions during the planning process. Each member of Landscape Design & Associates brings a distinctive skill set using an ecological approach to our landscaping.


  • Landscape Design
  • Landscape Installation
  • Paver patios, Boulder Walls
  • Tree Work
  • Landscape Lighting


Summer Color
Paver Patio - Beacon Hill pavers Townhall coping
Paver Patio and gardens
City of Brighton - Baskets and Calamagrostis grass
Flagstone Patio & Southbay quarzite stone for seating wall

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Karleen Shafer