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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Lake Trust Credit Union

Lake Trust Credit Union

Credit Unions

About Us

Lake Trust Credit Union has more than $1.8 billion in assets and ranks fourth-largest in Michigan in number of member accounts. With federally NCUA-insured branches located in counties across the state of Michigan, Lake Trust is committed to creating stronger Michigan communities. Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in the state of Michigan. For more information, visit and follow @LakeTrustCreditUnion on Facebook and @laketrust on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

The Lake Trust Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to make a difference in all the communities Lake Trust Credit Union serves across the state. Contributors to the foundation are people who help fund support for local causes focusing on education, basic needs, health and wellness, the environment and more. Through partnerships, outreach programs, grants, financial assistance and support for a community’s underserved people, the foundation helps to build and sustain stronger communities. For more information, visit For information on Lake Trust’s Moved By Good initiative, see Follow @movedbygood on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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Rep/Contact Info

Nicole Dietrich
Business Development Manager
Theresa Dubiel
Sr Vice Pres, Onstage MBX, Relationship Development
Rachael Kronberger-Smith
LTCU Executive Administrator