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Keider Painting Company
Painting Contractors
- 10489 Grand River Ave., Suite H Brighton MI 48116
- (810) 220-7171
- (810) 220-7999
- Send Email
Administrative hours are 7:30am-5:00pm.
Project hours are 8am-5pm with exceptions.
Driving Directions:
We are located 1 mile from Old 23 on the North side of Grand River, 1 drive prior to Ritter's Custard and the local ice arena and about 1 mile east of Pleasant Valley, north side of Grand River.
About Us
Keider Painting Company provides painting for Residential and Commercial properties for both interior and exterior surfaces. You will find that our company offers the experience, professionalism and workmanship that you expect from your contractor. Contact our office to schedule a personal appointment to review your project details with our estimator and we will promptly send you an estimate that details your particular needs and related costs.
- Commercial and Residential Painters
- Interior and Exterior
- Painting, Staining, Caulking, Drywall Repairs, and Wood Repairs