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Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Type NEWS in the search bar to learn more.

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors



Health Care Clinics/Medical GroupsPhysicians Surgeons

About Us

The very best health care when you need it - until 9:00 pm during the week, and 5:00 pm on weekends. IHA After Hours Care is just what the patient ordered. No more waiting for hours in an Emergency Room, now you have a quicker, more cost-effective alternative that fits your schedule...and your budget. As always, no appointment is required. IHA After Hours Care - Brighton offers extended hours, seven days a week, and is conveniently located in Brighton off of Grand River, just minutes from the I-96 and US-23 expressways.

We offer a wide range of services from Pediatric to Adult care:

Minor Illnesses
Minor Injuries
Diagnostic Tests
X-Ray referrals to St. Joseph Mercy Brighton

Rep/Contact Info

Amy Middleton