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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Hartland Insurance Agency



About Us

In Business Since 1978

Founded in 1978, Hartland Insurance Agency currently represents a collection of some of the finest property and casualty insurers in Michigan. Representing Auto Owners Insurance Company, Secura, Frankenmuth, Citizens/Hanover, Michigan Insurance Company, Progressive Insurance, Cincinnati Insurance Company, Travelers, The Hartford, Pioneer State Mutual, National Specialty Insurance, Accident Fund, just to name few. With this wide array of companies there are very few risks we can’t handle. David Walker, the company President, states “with the relationship that we have established with the companies we represent we can insure everything from your home and auto to large manufacturing and contracting risks very competitively and comprehensively”.

The insurance companies represented, along with their rates, aren’t the whole story. Customer service is pivotal in the success of our agency from the initial contact through the completion of your transaction. Our customers can rest assured that they will always receive the type of responsive service they should expect. The most important value added item we bring to our customers is service and advice, those two clearly distinguish our office from the average insurance agent.

Hartland Insurance Agency has been recognized by many in the insurance industry as a growing and respected insurance provider. Hartland Insurance is currently recognized by the Michigan Association of Insurance Agents as a Total Quality Agency.

Hartland Insurance Agency is also very progressive and works constantly to be accessible to c


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Hartland Insurance Agency

Rep/Contact Info

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Barbara Walker