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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

First Presbyterian Church of Brighton

First Presbyterian Church of Brighton


About Us

We are a Presbyterian Church dedicated to community, inside and outside our church family, finding fulfillment by using our individual talents to help others. We offer an extensive array of ministries which provide comfort, support and growth to those we touch. We are a warm and welcoming place where you can come as you are and feel comfortable regardless of your appearance, attire, spiritual experience, social position or emotional well-being. We provide an inspiring spiritual home for a fulfilling personal journey through discovery, education and guidance. We are a missional church, where we live our faith, values and the gospel of Christ in all aspects of our lives. We have one blended service every Sunday at 10 AM. We offer Nursery services. Sunday School, Mid-High, and High School Activities, Adult Bible Studies. Counseling, Communion, Baptism, Weddings and Funeral Services. Mission Trips, Vacation Bible School.


First Presbyterian Church of Brighton
Sunday Worship
Outdoor Summer Worship
First Presbyterian kids love singing.
Longest Night Worship
First Presbyterian Church kids love to sing and dance.
Pastor Scott Phillips
Baptisms at First Presbyterian Church of Brighton
Fun with church kids.
Brighton Farmers Market Booth.
Building Homes in Guatemala.
BVuilding Homes
Building Homes.
Buliding Homes in Guatemala.
Building a home in Guatemala
Dedication of home for a widow and her family.
Mission needs in Guatemala
Buildinh home in Guatemala
Building homes in Guatemala 14 years in a row.
Gallery Image Building_Walls.jpg
Guatemal kids hanging out at the worksite.
Fun with Guatemala kids.
Fun with Guatemala kids
Guatemala Mission Team
Guatemala Mission Trips
Feeding Guatemala Mayan people.
Serving Guatemala Mayan people.
Guatemala girls learning a song.
Working with Guatemala kids.
Working with Guatemala kids
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
Where Christ was born in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Building Stoves in Guatemala.
Guatemal Map
Egypt Trip
Egypt Trip Temple of Karnak
Church in Israel
Gallery Image Church_in_Jerusalem_3.jpg
Camel riding in Jerusalem


Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service
Unified Worship Service

Rep/Contact Info

Fred Ogline
Communication Team Leader
Melanie Phillips
Communications Coordinator