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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Environmental Resources Group

Environmental Resources Group


About Us

Environmental Resources Group is a leader in the Great Lakes Region in providing sustainable environmental solutions. Our services include soil & groundwater investigation, site remediation, Phase I & II assessments, baseline environmental assessments (BEAs), underground storage tank services, agricultural services,asbestos and hazardous material assessment, brownfield redevelopment, solid waste landfill services, PFAS investigation and remediation design, facility compliance auditing/permitting, facility environmental management, geotechnical investigation, wastewater treatment, process wastewater storage design, odor control, new facility siting evaluations, surveying/CAD services, and stormwater management. Additional services are available as needed. At ERG, we strive to add value to our projects through innovation, expertise and efficiency. Our environmental professionals are encouraged to think ''outside the box'' and explore new ideas, technologies and trends that contribute to their professional development and our clients well being.


Soil Investigation
Underground storage tank removal
Installation of horizontal vapor recovery piping within UST basin.
PFAS Remediation
Robert T. Reichenbach, C.P.G., President
Robert J. Zwald, Executive Vice President
Matthew J. Germane, P.E., Senior Engineer
Agricultural services
Underground storage tank pull
PFAS & Microplastics Presentation

Rep/Contact Info

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Robert Zwald