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Sip & Support Make-A-Wish event brought to you by the Women's Business Network & the GBACOC.  Learn More HERE

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Learn More HERE

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Cleary University


Colleges Universities

About Us

The future of education is HERE!

Cleary University provides an intimate, student-centered business education that instills the values of the Cleary Mind™ in our community.

Founded in 1883, Cleary University is a four-year, world-class university bestowing undergraduate and graduate degrees from a unique Business Arts curriculum, driven by a faculty of thought leaders with deep, practical experience in their industries. Offering on-campus and online education models, Cleary provides a rich residence life and vibrant athletics, with more than 200 students living on a rolling, 50-acre campus and nearly 2,000 students including degree completion and master's program students. Graduates land jobs faster than their peers and with higher earning salaries at the start of their careers.


Cleary Students at Lake Trust Stadium

Rep/Contact Info

Heather Bateman
SVP of Campus Operations
Katee Cole
Chief of Staff
Amy Denton
Director of Corporate and Career Development
Dr. Alan Drimmer
President & CEO (eff. 7/1/21)
Cindy Ficorelli
Media Relations
Kimberly Hytinen
Business Partnerships/Veterans
Kevin Pnacek
Brett Rogers
Director of Marketing
Megan Temby
Marcus Vazquez
Adult & Graduate Admissions Rep
Jeremy Walker
VP Enrollment