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Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Type NEWS in the search bar to learn more.

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Brighton Center for the Performing Arts

Brighton Center for the Performing Arts


About Us

A vital part of the community, the Brighton Center for the Performing Arts (BCPA) was built in 1994 as part of an educational bond through Brighton Area Schools.
BCPA serves not only as a theater for the high school, but it provides quality entertainment for all ages of Livingston county.
As part of the promise that was made to the community, we strive to bring in groups that appeal to the public and also enhance our educational mission.
We invite you to join us at an upcoming show. When you buy a ticket, you not only see outstanding performers, but you’re also supporting the educational advancement of our Brighton students. Become a patron of the arts (and education) with a membership or sponsorship and showcase your organization.


Gallery Image BCPA_theater-transformed.jpeg

Hot Deals - For general public

Rep/Contact Info

Erica Englund
Kenneth Jbalazovick