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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Bradford Financial Advisors LLC

Bradford Financial Advisors LLC

Financial Planning Consultants

About Us

Consider the peace-of-mind that may come with having your own individualized financial game-plan in place for yourself and your family. Our financial professionals will help plan specifically for your goals, your life and your money...all with your values as priority #1. As an agency, our primary focus is on serving our clients as their financial-advocate—providing strategy and guidance to help enhance their net-worth, quality of life, and legacy for future generations.

At Bradford Financial Advisors, our motto of, “Vested in Our Community & in Your Future” is not just a statement. We serve our local community’s financial needs not just by servicing our clients, but through extensive community involvement and non-profit support. Furthermore, our firm is made up of independent financial representatives- which means that we can offer you the service or product for your unique situation.

We offer full-service financial services, life and disability insurance, living trusts, and more. Our agents will work diligently to help you work towards moving forward financially, whatever your needs may be. Call us today for a complimentary portfolio review or to start your personalized financial strategy!


  • Full-Service Investment, Financial Planning, Business and Tax Consulting
  • Investment Advisory Services, full line of Investment Products, Health, Life, Disability, and Long Term Care Insurances
  • Individual & Group Benefits and Retirement Packages
  • In-House Specialists: Veterans Benefits, Affordable Care Act, & SS/Medicare
  • Livingston County's original Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Provider for Investing

Rep/Contact Info

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Bryan Bradford
Financial Planner, Branch Manager
Jennifer Stevens
Opperations Manager, Tax Accountant