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Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Blue Cross - Blue Shield of Michigan



About Us

Our Difference
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan's health insurance plans make a difference in communities and lives across the state.

If you only think health insurance when you think of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, we?re OK with that.

After all, our roots go back to the first health insurance plans in the U.S. These plans were created nearly a century ago for working people?teachers, miners and lumberjacks who just wanted affordable, quality health care.

A lot has changed since then. Health care reform is bringing more change. Our company is changing, too. We became a nonprofit mutual company in 2014. This means that our members now have a stronger voice.

At the same time, there's much that hasn't changed: the need for affordable, quality health care and our role as a leader in helping Michigan residents get that care. We continue to be the largest health insurer in the state.

Our unique vision and mission means we can bring the best of both worlds to our members and their communities:

Plans for employers and individuals that meet today?s needs, budgets and lifestyles
The largest network of doctors and hospitals in the state
Lower health care costs
Higher quality health care
Award-winning diversity practices
Grants and programs that promote better health throughout Michigan

When you think of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan for health insurance, you can know you?re getting much more. We're a company founded on a tradition of affordable, quality health care for everyone, improving the present and investing in the future. Some thi


Gallery Image Blue_Cross_Blue_Shield_of_MI.png

Rep/Contact Info

Suzanne Miller Allen
Sr. Dir, Community Responsibility and Social Miss