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Sip & Support Make-A-Wish event brought to you by the Women's Business Network & the GBACOC.  Learn More HERE

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Learn More HERE

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Bank of Ann Arbor - Brighton



About Us

The power of local banking, 120+ years in the making

First National Bank in Howell established its roots as First State and Savings Bank in 1891 and merged with First National Bank of Howell in 1946. Over our 120 plus years in Livingston County, it’s likely that your grandparents, parents, family members, friends and neighbors have banked with us.

Today, as the only bank headquartered in Livingston County, Michigan, First National takes great pride as a key corporate citizen. From Brighton to Howell, Fowlerville to Whitmore Lake and Hamburg to Hartland, First National puts the power of local banking in your hands. You see, this is the place we call home. The folks who make decisions here appreciate your history and hopes for the future because we share them too.

Day to day, First National does much more than cash checks, take in deposits, issue ATM cards and make car loans. We reinvest your dollars wisely in your community. Your money helps businesses take off and grow and helps people like you buy a new home, send a child to college or live life according to your plan. No other area bank can make this claim: nine out of 10 loans are made here in Livingston County.

The power of local banking is also evident in the more than $1 million First National has contributed to area organizations, causes and events. Add to this the hundreds of hours First National employees volunteer locally each year, and you’ll understand why we think local banking is the only way to go. We hope you agree!

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