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Sip & Support Make-A-Wish event brought to you by the Women's Business Network & the GBACOC.  Learn More HERE

Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Learn More HERE

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Accident Fund Insurance Company of America



About Us

Worker's compensation is a specific type of insurance that helps business owners provide wages and medical benefits to employees who have been injured on the job. In most states, worker's compensation is required by law.

The origins of worker's compensation date back to the 18th century when pirates ruled the oceans. Privateering (the gentleman's term for piracy) was a dangerous occupation; taking booty (treasure) away from those who did not want to give it up led to sea battles, hand-to-hand combat and often injury. Because of the inherent chance of impairment, a system was developed to compensate injured employees.

Pirate ships worked out payment schedules for various types of injuries (e.g., a lost hand would receive a hook as a replacement and 100 pieces of gold). In addition to being compensated, injured crew members were allowed to remain on board and were offered less strenuous duty. As such, the first return-to-work program was created!

Today, employers purchase work comp coverage from insurance companies similar to how you buy personal auto or home insurance and the policy protects employees who work for that employer. If someone gets hurt on the job, the insurance company pays for lost wages, medical benefits, such as doctors appointments and medications, and other benefits to the employee.


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Rep/Contact Info

Laura Hall