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Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

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The Brighton Farmers Market is right around the corner.  Check out the monthly themes and find ways to get involved as a business or as a patron.  Search Farmers Market

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

2025 Contracted Food/Alcohol Vendor Application & Waiver

Please complete this application to be a part of the festival. If you have questions, please contact our staff at If you want more information on this event visit our website and search Chamber Guides.

This application and waiver apply to any business/non-profit that will be selling any items, food, alcohol, or any combination at a Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce Event or Festival.

Thank You
Please check the event/festival that you are submitting an application form for. *
Rules & Regulations (please check all to acknowledge and agree) *
Are You:
BRIGHTON FIRE CODE ----- Mobile food preparation and operations equipped with fuel-fired, solid-fueled, or electric appliances that produce smoke or grease-laden vapors hall be conducted within an enclosed approved mobile food preparation vehicle (truck or trailer). Cooking equipment that produces grease-laden vapors shall be provided with a Type-1 kitchen exhaust hood protected by an automatic wet chemical fire extinguishing system. EXCEPTION: This does not apply to enclosed solid-fueled pizza ovens, solid-fueled grills, or solid-fueled smokers when provided an enclosed firebox and a lidded cooking surface. All cooking operations not producing grease-laden vapors or smoke, but producing only steam are permitted to be located outside a mobile food preparation vehicle but shall be located beneath a protective canopy such as a fire-resistant tent, umbrella, or roof. Examples would be steam tables, boilers, rice makers, etc. All mobile food preparation vehicles and operation are subject to inspection by the Brighton Area Fire Authority and Livingston County Health Department. The fire inspection shall take place at least one week prior to an event and the health inspection the day of (typically) the event. Once both inspections have been approved, operations will be permitted to commence. If either inspection fails, the vehicle shall vacate the premise until both inspections are successful.
For food trucks/trailers: Indicate which side of your vehicle you serve out of.
Are you planning to bring a smoker?
Power Requirements
Power Requirements (Please note, per the Brighton Area Fire Department, generators ARE NOT allowed). Please indicate which power requirements you will need. One (1) 110v electrical outlet is allocated to each food vendor. Please Note: Electrical requirements will determine final location. Only those outlets noted on original application will be available for use during the event. In order to be fair to all vendors, no exceptions and no special accommodations will be made at the time of set up. ALL VENDORS MUST SUPPLY THEIR OWN POWER CORDS AND A MINIMUM OF 200 FEET.
Please indicate what Power Requirements you will need by checking the options below
Health Department Licensing
A copy of your license is required in order to complete your application. All vendors must file all necessary paperwork with the Livingston County Department of Public Health within seven (7) business days of application or your spot will be forfeited. Not sure if you are licensed properly? Please contact the Livingston County Health Department at (517) 546-9850 for more information.
Are you currently licensed to operate?
If YES, what type of license do you have? *
Liability Insurance
All vendors must add the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce (218 E. Grand River Ave. Brighton, MI 48116) your liability insurance. Please reference the "Additional Insurance Guidelines" page on our website for details. A copy of your certificate is required once accepted. Insurance documents need to be received seven (7) days prior to event.
Do you have liability insurance? *
Legal Agreement
In consideration of the acceptance of this application, the vendor agrees that products of any nature and description shall be displayed at the sole risk of said vendor and further agrees that said vendor shall be responsible for his/her agents, servants and employees and agrees to hold event organizers, event sponsors and their agents harmless of any and all claims to person and property, real and personal, which shall arise out of or be connected with the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce evet/festival. I expressly warrant and represent that I have full legal authority to portray and use any words and images and do indemnify and hold harmless event organizers, event sponsors and their agents from all claims of any kind including but not limited to copyright infringement, invasion of privacy and other claims. I understand that this is a rain or shine event and i agree to open my booth for the entirety of the show. I understand that by participating in the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce event/festival, myself , my merchandise and my staff may be subject of photography, video and otherwise reported by the news and other media. The Event Committee and its representatives have permission to publish photographs or images of my booth or products or of me/staff for purposes related to promotion of the event, past, present and future. My completion and payment of this application indicates by agreement and acceptance to all terms and conditions herein and in the rules and regulations of the application information.
Do you agree to Legal Agreement? *
Format: M/d/yyyy